Memorial Mass for Fr. Anthony Farren, S.J.
Date: 13 Jan, 2016
Time: 7.30 pm (Last Rehearsal at 5pm)
Venue: St. Ignatius Chapel, Wah Yan College, Kowloon.
Amazing Grace |
CN 364 |
Kyrie: |
Lord, have mercy |
Gloria: |
Responsorial Psalm: |
The Lord is My Shepherd |
CN 99 |
Gospel Acclamation: |
Alleluia |
CN 57 |
Prayer of the Faithful: |
Here I Am, Lord |
CN 342 |
Sanctus: |
Holy |
Memorial Acclamation: |
When We Eat This Bread |
Doxology & Amen: |
Amen |
The Lord’s Prayer: |
Our Father |
For the Kingdom: |
For the Kingdom |
Peace: |
Shalom |
CN 371 |
Agnus Dei: |
Lamb of God |
1) On Eagle’s Wings |
CN 110 |
2) Nearer My God to Thee |
Let There Be Peace on Earth |
Note: +The whole Song Book for the Memorial Mass is here; *CN – Canticum Novum;
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