WYK Badge

A Webpage for the Senior Boys Choir at Wah Yan College, Kowloon (1979-80)

九龍華仁高級組男聲合唱團 (1979-80)


Extract from Shield (1979-1980)

Member List - Members in the Photos

RTHK Recordings on the Music Festival Champion Night Performance - 高級組男聲合唱團 (79-80 總冠軍)

總冠軍錄音 ( 黑霧 滿江紅)

RTHK Recordings on 樂府之聲

  1. 樂府之聲 (介紹一)
  2. 黑霧
  3. 滿江紅
  4. 樂府之聲 (介紹二)
  5. 天烏烏
  6. 牧場的小路
  7. 樂府之聲 (介紹三)
  8. 幽林
  9. 三套車
  10. 樂府之聲 (尾聲)


For ease of transfer, audio files are in mp3 format. For CD quality recordings, please contact Joseph Ng at jng@comp.hkbu.edu.hk.