A Webpage for the Senior Boys Choir at Wah Yan College, Kowloon (1979-80)
九龍華仁高級組男聲合唱團 (1979-80)
Extract from Shield (1979-1980) Member List - Members in the Photos RTHK Recordings on the Music Festival Champion Night Performance - 高級組男聲合唱團 (79-80 總冠軍) 總冠軍錄音 ( 黑霧 滿江紅) RTHK Recordings on 樂府之聲 樂府之聲 (介紹一) 黑霧 滿江紅 樂府之聲 (介紹二) 天烏烏 牧場的小路 樂府之聲 (介紹三) 幽林 三套車 樂府之聲 (尾聲)
Extract from Shield (1979-1980)
Member List - Members in the Photos
RTHK Recordings on the Music Festival Champion Night Performance - 高級組男聲合唱團 (79-80 總冠軍)
總冠軍錄音 ( 黑霧 滿江紅)
RTHK Recordings on 樂府之聲
For ease of transfer, audio files are in mp3 format. For CD quality recordings, please contact Joseph Ng at jng@comp.hkbu.edu.hk.